Diana & Zonen. A royal Black Tie premiere on a sunny Sunday afternoon, DeLaMar Theater Amsterdam.
An new musical, about the late Princess Di and her family. Diana is portrayed by Marlijn Weerdenburg, her first leading role in a musical. A childhood dream come true. She gives us a beautifully layered Diana, warm and motherly, concerned for her boys, yet brave and trusting in the future.
We see William and Harry in the present day, struggling through life, both with a massive gaping hole in their hearts, caused by the tragic death of their mother. Although Diana is no longer is the physical world, she guides her sons with advice and watches over them.
Diana, fully dressed in a clean white suit, beautifully flows in and out the scenes, always with a lingering presence. Her fight song, at the end of act 1. Wow. Marlijn is not only a gifted vocalist, but her emotional range in particular gave this song wings to fly.
The story revolves around the start of Harry and Meghan's romance. Harry (Freek Bartels) meets Meghan Markle (Danique Graanoogst) and falls head over heels in love with her. They struggle with each other's pasts, which influences their future, whether they want to or not. Freek and Danique beautifully portray that struggle, loving each other fully, but being haunted by their past. Meghan has a choice to make, will she be the next Diana, with all the press and pressure that comes with it? The online bullying scene was therefore very smart, as Diana -however in a different time- endured the same harassment as Meghan did.
William (Jonathan Demoor) and Kate (Liss Walravens) are slightly less featured in this angle of the story, but nevertheless important. Kate fights for her own narrative (Fraai maar Saai, in the song about being the nice and clean yet the boring 'one') it's expressed she aches for her own personality. Jonathan as William delivers a layered William, who you come to love more later in the story. At first, he isn't the most empathetic brother. Stiff upper lip, staying in line, within the rules of the "firm". But as he learns of Harry's genuine love for Meghan, he finally comes through for his brother.
An important phrase: Harry: I'm always in your shadow. William: Yes, that means I will always feel the burn of the full sun".
The scene with Diane and William, where he asks his mother if he was unwanted, as she threw herself from the stairs during her pregnancy with him, is as heartbreaking as it is sad. What a life he must have lived, with his moms legacy pressing on him, and so many questions unanswered.
The outstanding ensemble is the cherry on top of the excellent actors in all other roles. Gerrie van der Klei as Camilla is legendary, then the beautiful and intimate scene between Diana and Charles (Jan Elbertse) about the two things that were good - their sons - and finally: Grace (a role of fiery Gitty Pregers) she's a breath of fresh air.
The decor and lighting design are very clever. Stylish, effective and sets the tone in every scene perfectly. Textbook example of understanding theatre and storytelling, which is not limited to the cast alone. An extraordinary piece of craftsmanship to behold.
The music for Diana & Zonen is written by Jeroen Sleyfer and Sophie Veldhuizen. The contemporary songs are skillfully thought-out and vary from classic musical-theatre style to pop and jazz.
Dick van den Heuvel (script) and director Frank van Laecke have chosen a fresh and original take on Diana's story. You would wonder what she had done and said, living in this day and age. This "spirit guide" angle is gorgeous and keeps you mesmerized to see how the story unfolds, which is amazing, as the actual story is known.
A tragic story, told by the ones who have lived it. Tragic yet hopeful. A saving grace.
For more information: www.dianaenzonen.nl
Trailer: https://youtu.be/zhg-29SeG1A
Photo credits: Roy Beusker & Annemieke van der Togt