Anastasia, the beautiful story of what could have been...
Anastasia the musical tells the story of how the life of Anastasia, the daughter of Tsar Nicholas II and grand duchess of Russia could have been... the legend goes she survived the brutal attack on her family.
The myth and legend leads us to believe that she was the only one who survived the attack. Having made a promise to her Nana, her grandmother, she vows to come to Paris, to meet her once more. Anya (Tessa Sunniva van Tol), her nickname, has a severe case of memory loss, with no clue who she is and where she comes from. Working hard for her money, she works several jobs, until she meets Dmitri (Milan van Waardenburg) and Vlad (a charming and witty role by Ad Knippels). The duo convinces Anya to pretend she's Anastasia, the long lost daughter and only survivor of the attack on the Tsar family, who has since then disappeared. They will help her get to Paris, and they will get the chance to leave Russia, or so they led Anya to believe. During their travels Anya evolves more and more into Anastasia and rediscovers her childhood by vivid memories. Could she really be Anastasia?
The whole cast is flawless. Beautiful vocals, performed in the most exquisite costumes, in a very smart and grand decor. What more could you want? Well, not much else, I must say. The only minor point of critique would be that the ending feels a little sudden and abrupt, and the end of the storyline of Gleb (René van Kooten) is unexpected, his convictions about Anastasia seem to vanish in a heartbeat- although the mixture of attract and push away between the two characters gives the story more depth.
Goosebumps when Anya finally gets to Paris, Tessa's rendition of 'Journey to the Past' is the perfect hopeful ending of the first act.
The myth of Anastasia is legendary. The musical version is a beautiful fairytale, to say the least. Gorgeous dance sequences, especially the Swan Lake performance is magical. The vocal quartet is a treat for the ears.
It's a real-life fairytale, where the music, the vocal arrangements and decor leave the audience in awe. Let them sweep you of your feet and take you to a snowy dreamland.
For more info:
Anastasia is exclusively performed at the AFAS Circustheater Scheveningen.