UNTITLED Nashville announces its dark, decade-old annual fundraising show, "GLOW: An Illuminated Art Event" at Riverside Village, 1400 McGavock Pike in Nashville on Friday, Oct. 22, from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Step into darkness, guided only by self-lit or black-lit glowing art. You will encounter the Strolling Tables of Nashville as they offer you delights not known to the sunlit world. Find the Society of Nashville Photographer's photographic slideshow projected onto a screen next to paintings, sculptures and various pieces that are...GASP!-glowing in the dark.
Drag King extraordinaire Oliver Clothesoff will guide you through the rest of your visual and auditory immersion in Inglewood's community hotspot. The sirens of the hula hoop, The Spinderellas, will toy with your emotions as they twirl around you. Additional glowing performers are scheduled to show you how to get your GLOW on, including Freya West and Violet Vixxen. Air Today Gone Tomorrow will use the body as canvas during a live body painting session.
However, the artwork will not be the only thing glowing at the event. The ever-popular GLOWING Costume Contest is back. Come painted or dressed in your own self-lit or black light sensitive costumes to compete for a basket of goodies including gift cards from Happy Japan and Kustom Thrills Tattoo and postcards by SilverMoonImages.
Keep your checkbook open as some of the glowing work will be for sale. A $5 donation to Nashville's only uncensored local art collective will be requested at the door. Let your eyes adjust to the darkness and be drawn to the art of emerging and established Nashville artists like a moth to the flame. There will also be door and artist prizes from some of GLOW Show's sponsors, including: Glad2Design, RED Tattoo Parlor, Jake's Garage, No Egrets Tattoo, Pinup and Lace Photography, The Score of Cool Springs, Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School Nashville, Jerry's Artarama, and PLAZA Artist Materials.
UNTITLED is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting artists, reaching new art audiences, and offering alternative visual arts experiences in the Nashville community. The group's meetings and shows provide opportunities for artists to connect, collaborate and learn from each other. All artists, at all levels and in all media are invited to attend weekly meetings every Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. and participate in quarterly exhibitions. For more information about this show and the Untitled Artist Group and its programs to support and promote the visual arts, please visit our website at www.untitlednashville.org or email us at info@untitlednashville.org.