The spooky classic The Legend of Sleepy Hollow comes to life with all the thrills, chills, and laughs that keep young audiences on the edge of their seats. This tale revolves around awkward schoolteacher Ichabod, the coquettish Katrina, and Ichabod's brutish rival, Brom Bones. With storytellers weaving this spooky tale, this outdoor youth production is a must-see for the Halloween season!
Other campfire tales will be told along with this one!
Saturday, October 27th MLT will have a Fall Festival from 2:00pm to 6:00pm, featuring carnival games and Halloween fun, followed by the outdoor performance of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (tickets THIS DAY ONLY will be pay what you can!
October 12-14, 19-21, 26-28
All performances at 7:00 pm, outdoors
Tickets are $5
This youth production is suitable for all ages!
Murfreesboro Little Theatre began in 1962 and is the oldest community theatre in Murfreesboro. MLT is located between the OLD Middle Tennessee Medical Center and Middle Tennessee State University one block over from Bell Street (on the corner of Ewing Blvd. and Crossway Ave.