Street Theatre Company, well-known amongst Nashville audiences for staging darkly edgy productions, brings yet another musical premiere to Nashville with the Off-Broadway hit HEATHERS. Based on the cult classic movie of the same name, the musical centers around three shoulder-padded, scrunchie-wearing Heathers in the 1980s, who are the hottest and cruelest girls in school. The Heathers are in trouble when a misfit rejects them for the dark, sexy stranger who plans to put them in their place -- six feet under.
Featuring a fantastic musical score and book by Laurence O'Keefe and Kevin Murphy (Legally Blonde, Reefer Madness), HEATHERS opened in New York first as a concert. Audiences were so enthralled by the rock score that it opened as a full production in Los Angeles where its performances sold out. Due to its success, the musical was then staged Off-Broadway, where it was nominated for the Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Music, among several other award nominations.
Cathy Street, Artistic Director at Street Theatre Company, admits that the musical's 80s vibe holds some childhood nostalgia for her, but there is more to why she chose the show for Street's 2015 Season. "[HEATHERS] was another great example of a show that is kitschy and edgy, but [it] also has very interesting social commentary. It's funny that the more things change, the more they stay the same. The issues the high-schoolers dealt with in this movie in the 80s are the same issues they face today."
HEATHERS will be directed by Martha Wilkinson, Artistic Director of Chaffin's Barn Dinner Theatre and well-loved local performer and director. Ms. Wilkinson was drawn to the show not only because she loved the movie when it came out in 1988, but, like Ms. Street, sees the relevancy behind the dark comedy. "Bullying," says Wilkinson, "being popular or unpopular, high-school angst... [it's] all timeless. Even when presented in a less-than-serious tone, it heightens awareness and may make people think twice about being mean to each other." Ms. Wilkinson says she plans to direct the show "unabashedly, unmistakably '80s! Colorful, a wee over the top while remaining honest... very John Hughes (Pretty in Pink, The Breakfast Club)."
Ms. Wilkinson will also play the role of the mother in the production, joining a host of talented Nashville cast and crew, including Musical Director Randy Craft. As always, this Street production promises to be fun, thought-provoking, and, due to its Pay-What-You-Can performances and hip East Nashville location, a quick sell-out! "To people who don't come see it," jokes Ms. Wilkinson, "I would have to say 'What's your damage!?'"
HEATHERS is on stage at Street Theatre Company's East Nashville location, in residence at Bailey Middle School, from tonight, August 28, through September 13. Showtimes are Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm and Sundays at 5pm. Tickets are available by visiting or by calling (615) 554-7414 and prices are Pay-What-You-Can. Street Theatre Company is supported in part through Metro Nashville Arts Commission and Tennessee Arts Commission.