This gripping drama, directed by Rachel Meinhart, will be staged at CPA's SOLI DEO CENTER in Nashville, Tennessee.
Source One Five Theatre Company has announced the cast and creative team for their upcoming production of "Radium Girls," a poignant and powerful play that tells the hauntingly true story of the heroic Radium Girls. This gripping drama, directed by Rachel Meinhart, will be staged at CPA's SOLI DEO CENTER in Nashville, Tennessee.
Written by D.W. Gregory, "Radium Girls" is a moving depiction of the extraordinary courage displayed by young women who faced unimaginable challenges. Unknowingly poisoned by their work, they rose above adversity, fighting for justice until their last breath. This production showcases the strength, determination, and resilience of these ordinary women who brought about a monumental change in workplace safety standards. Don't miss this inspiring and significant tale that sheds light on a pivotal moment in history.
Friday, October 27th at 7:00 PM
Saturday, October 28th at 7:00 PM
Sunday, October 29th at 2:00 PM & 6:00 PM
2323 Old Hickory Boulevard
Nashville, Tennessee, 37215
"Radium Girls" will feature Hannah Williams as Grace Fryer, Emma Delane Singleton as Kathryn Schaub, Sadie Sharp as Irene Rudolph, & Brett Lemmers as Arthur Roeder. The cast also features Nathan Evans, Caroline Mohr, Elliot Child, Bridgette McAuliffe, Chloe Campbell, Kali Chapas, Stella Pearson, Tracie Owens Williamson, Deidra Alexander, Gil McLean, & Cameron Miller
Director Rachel Meinhart leads an exceptional creative team to bring this profound story to life. The production team includes Kailee Lingelbach (Stage Manager), Megan Hardgrave and Jordan Twaddle (Scenic Designers), Sam Wilde (Lighting Designer), Jason Dotson (Sound Design) and Conner Meinhart (Production Manager).
"Radium Girls" promises to captivate audiences with its gripping narrative, stellar performances, and thought-provoking themes.
Tickets for "Radium Girls" are available now and can be purchased through the official Source One Five Theatre Company website at or by calling 615-538-7107. Prices start at $16, offering an affordable and impactful experience for all theater enthusiasts.
Join Source One Five Theatre Company for an unforgettable theatrical journey as they present "Radium Girls," shining a spotlight on the resilience of these remarkable women and their enduring legacy.