Inspired by's Friday Six, welcome to's latest installment of The Friday Five: five questions designed to help you learn more about the talented people you'll find on stages in the Volunteer State.
Today's spotlight falls upon Blair Allison, who in January was recognized as one of First Night's Top 11 of 2011 Actors We'd Invest In For the Biggest Payoff (If We Had The Money). Tonight she opens in the Tennessee premiere of Spring Awakening, playing Wendla Bergman at Alpine Chateau, February 24 and 25, directed by Robert Allen (and playing opposite Michael Adcock, who stars in today's second installment of The Friday Five). After rolling in the hay as Wendla, Allison will focus on her next onstage assignment: The Ugly Duckling, running March 16-18 in the Belmont Little Theatre.
What was your first "live onstage" taste of theater? I was probably three or four when I went to see a live interactive version of Cinderella, and the Fairy Godmother pulled me onstage. I can't remember what I did, but it wasn't long after that when my mom put me in a silent rendition of The Nutcracker as a snowflake and a rat. I didn't stick around for that show, though, because I didn't quite understand the concept of "silent" and I kept improvising.
What is your favorite pre-show ritual? Our Dancing at Lughnasa vocal warm ups consisted of imitating our director, Bill Feehely, a habit that still hasn't gone away.
What's your most memorable "the show must go on" moment? Last year I did Hairspray at Murfreesboro's Center for the Arts, and during the "Nicest Kids Reprise," Jason Hillard, who played Sketch, accidentally said "Brenda!" during the roll call. There were 11 of us in that song singing and dancing, and not of us could hold it together. What made it better was that the audience was laughing with us, so it made it somewhat okay that we were all cracking up during a high energy song.
What's your dream role? In my dreams: A Dynamite in Hairspray; In reality: Anne Boleyn, in absolutely any play about her. She's my historical idol, and I would do anything to portray her in any setting.
Pictured: Blair Allison and Michael Adcock