Leonid & Friends to Kick Off '25 Or 6 To 4' Tour This Week
Leonid & Friends are set to launch their much-anticipated 25 OR 6 TO 4’ Tour this week. The ‘25 OR 6 TO 4’ Tour kicks off in Middleton, Fla. on Tuesday, March 25th and will make stops in Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, Jacksonville, Pensacola and more.
Isaac Mizrahi to Embark on Tour Across California
Legendary fashion designer and entertainment icon, Isaac Mizrahi, has just announced a string of performances across California. These shows – alongside his acclaimed jazz sextet – bring his signature blend of humor, witty storytelling, and song to the West Coast.
Review: REMEMBER JONES: JONES SINGS JONES Brings Retro Back at City Winery
Remember Jones is funny, but he isn't a joke. There's a knowing kitsch value to the cabaret artist turned rock revue revivalist's stage presence: he looks like Elton John, dresses like Liberace and sings like Joe Cocker, on a stage full of bandstands and matching-jacketed musicians. But this isn't a parody of a Vegas show. What Jones and company are doing is a lot more daring than parody: a genuine revival of that sort of big-band rock showmanship for the neo-soul era. And it works.