Confederation Centre CEO Steve Bellamy, Artistic Director Adam Brazier, GM of Theatre Dean Constable, and Canadian icon Alan Doyle, made a special announcement January 24. Standing on the historic Homburg Theatre mainstage before a crowd of more than 100 Centre members, Brazier and the team announced the further development of a new musical comedy, Tell Tale Harbour.
Adapted from the film screenplay The Grand Seduction by Ken Scott, this hilarious musical embraces all things East Coast and beautifully demonstrates a small rural town that could be anywhere in Atlantic Canada. The hit movie tells the tale of residents of a small Newfoundland town who try to convince a visiting doctor to live there full-time in order to save their community.
The story caught Brazier's eye and he began drafting a musical comedy and exploring ideas for songs. "I really wanted this to be a celebration of Atlantic Canada," he explains, "so I needed an Atlantic Canadian voice, someone who has the tonality, understands the traditions and the vernacular of Atlantic Canada-who better than Alan Doyle?