Solo piece for a human and a silicone doll, NUMAIN explores the liminal spaces between Eros and Thanatos, in a ritualistic theatre in which loneliness, violence and desire merge. Stéphane Crête hypothesizes that liminal notions would be better to explore with dolls rather than with real actors, while raising moral and ethical questions, both on the practice of theatrical play and on human relations.
With this second solo show (after Esteban, in 2008) Stéphane Crête continues his explorations around shamelessness and the limits of representation, in a constant desire to decompartmentalize his practice. He continues to explore the main themes that are dear to him: the transgression of moral conventions (often linked to the expression of sexuality and death), trance and altered states of consciousness, the dance between the profane and the sacred.
A transdisciplinary artist, a playwright, a teacher, a ritualist and a performer, Stéphane Crête is a versatile all-rounder who has been navigating as easily in mainstream productions as in experimental theater for over 25 years.
Stéphane Crète réussit à équilibrer les moments loufoques où l'on est plongé dans l'humour absurde et surréaliste avec les scènes plus dramatiquement intenses qui montrent cette société en pleine déliquescence. » -Samuel Pradier, REVUE JEU, on Stéphane Crête's play Mauvais Goût.
Pourtant très loin du genre qui l'a fait connaitre du grand public, Stéphane Crête est aussi habile qu'un funambule qui marche droit sur son fil dans ce registre impitoyable. » - Catherine Gervais EXLECTIK MEDIA, on Stéphane Crête's play Mauvais Goût.
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Conceptor, director and performer Stéphane Crête | Pupper Advisor Marcelle Hudon | Exterior eye Didier Lucien | Technical director, stage management and lighting design David Poulin | Production Cynthia Bouchard-Gosselin