The Quebec Drama Federation (QDF) Winter Theatre Calendar Launch will take place Monday, January 25 at Montreal Improv in the heart of beautiful downtown Montreal. The general public and the theatre community are invited to join the festivities and see first-hand the upcoming English-language winter theatre crop.
Discover plays that suit your tastes. Decide what shows are must-sees, might-sees and not-for-me's. The Winter Theatre Calendar Launch features inspired scenes and snippets from the upcoming season along with insightful live interviews. Refreshments will be served at the bar with complimentary snacks. Whether new to the theatre world or a long-time Montreal theatre-goer, this is the perfect opportunity to see some of the hottest previews of the season, all for free.
The evening will be hosted by QDF's own Kenny Streule and Marc Rowland Artistic Director of Montreal Improv, an organization dedicated to promoting and teaching the art of improvised theatre. The school has hundreds of students studying improv in one of the many classes currently being offered. In addition to the regular weekly classes, Montreal Improv also leads specialized workshops to improve group dynamics, public speaking and team building.
Montreal Improv hosts show's every Thu, Fri, Sat & Sun in both English and French.
What you can expect to see:
- Boeing Boeing produced by Lakeshore Players playing at Louis Chalmers Theatre John Rennie High School from Feb 4th-13th.
- The Blood Harmonic produced by We Are One playing at Mainline Theatre from
April 28 - May 1st
- Patience produced by META awarding winning Lakeshore Light Opera playing at Louis Chalmers Theatre John Rennie High from March 4th -12th
- Candyass Cabaret produced by the Candyass playing at Cafe? Cleopatra plays every 3rd Friday of each month
- Betty's Summer Vacation produced by Floor 13 Production's playing at MainLine Theatre from Feb 20th
- Moby Dick by Herman Melville produced by Persephone Productions playing at Studio Jean Valcourt du Conservatiore from Feb 11th-21st
- Hekabe produced by McGill Classics Play association Montreal Beach playing at McGill University Feb 5th & 6th
The Quebec Drama Federation exists to support English-language theatre companies, artists and their artistic expressions in Quebec. The respected organization represents and lobbies on behalf of companies and individuals involved in English-language theatre to government agencies, arts organizations, and community groups at all levels. They develop new audiences by promoting English-language theatre to the general public, the tourism sector, and the arts community itself. QDF members are individuals involved in theatre in Quebec as well as interested people from outside Quebec and include audience members, actors, playwrights, directors, designers, stage managers, administrators, educators, students and theatre companies at all levels.