Power Play Productions presents Four Minutes if you Bleed, Centaur Theatre's Brave New Looks Selection for 2011.
The show is written by Alexandria Haber and Ned Cox and directed by Ned Cox
Thurs. Nov. 24 - Sat. Dec. 3, 2011
Four Minutes if you Bleed is a new comedy about hockey, weddings and the true meaning of Christmas. Meet the Dickensons- four sisters in the midst of two of the most stressful events known to mankind: planning a wedding and getting through the holidays.
Who couldn't use a little magic?
With: Shawn Campbell, KC Coombs, Paula Costain, Alexandria Haber, Paula Jean Hixson, Carlo Mestroni, Neil Napier, Amelia Sargisson and Brett Watson. Set design, Jonathon Stradeski;
lighting design, Sarah Yaffe; costume design, Meriza Martel-Bryden; sound design, Deena Aziz.
Four Minutes if you Bleed
Power Play Productions, Centaur Theatre's Brave New Looks
At Centaur Theatre
453 Saint-François-Xavier
Tuesday to Saturday at 8:30 pm
Sunday at 7:30pm
Matinées: Saturday at 2:30pm
Tickets: $22, $18
Reservations: 514 288-3161, www.centaurtheatre.com