The 2020-21 program and tickets will be available online from September 8.
La Chapelle Scènes Contemporaines is launching the 2020-2021 season Tuesday September 8, 2020, the 30th La Chapelle's season The whole 2020-2021 season program will be available exclusively on their website starting September 8, 2020 at noon.
Yes, La Chapelle is celebrating its 30th anniversary! Last May 25, they virtually celebrated, despite the pandemic, with a joyful and heartwarming blowing of candles. This season, 175 artists and collaborators with creativity and ingenuity are making sure that theatre art is doing well and staying alive, for they firmly built this Maison/Saison (Home-Season) 2020-2021 with them, for us and for you.
This anniversary season will be once again rich in creativity and in diversity; diversity in terms of shape, proposition and generation. This year's program was planned around two main axes: the first one, welcoming back artists who have significantly marked La Chapelle's first three decades and the second one, which can intersect the first, gathering artists around collaboration. This will be a very thought-provoking reflection as we go forward during those trying times. How do we work together now? We will get closer to finding out during this 30th edition.
In total, La Chapelle Scènes Contemporaines has scheduled more than 20 different shows with 175 artists. The season will extend from mid-September 2020 till the end of May 2021. Rich, dense and eclectic, this 30th season will bring us all on those off-roads, which have become La Chapelle's signature for three decades.
Not forgetting that La Chapelle is also 12 weeks of technical residencies offered to the artists, the project Récréations, an educational program in contemporary performing arts for primary school students, La Chapelle more bilingual than ever, a surtitling program from french to english and english to french, projects combining both languages, offered on select performances, and more.
5 Tickets Package only 100 $: A very flexible package allowing you to enjoy the best of the 2020-2021 season, alone, with friends or with your family.
IMPORTANT: Due to COVID-19, this program might be subjected to change. Some projects will take alternative forms, which will differ from the traditional representation. For the more recent COVID-19 situation updates and information, please visit starting September 8.
Fall will start off, during the week of September 14, with More-Than-Things by Émile Pineault. This project, creative laboratories open to the public, will be accessible to sighted people and people living with visual impairments. This project will be presented in partnership with La SERRE arts vivants.
From the September 21 to 29, La Chapelle will partner up with Rhizome to once again present La Vie littéraire by Mathieu Arsenault who will deliver and carry his own words in a continuous monologue. With the complicity of stage director Christian Lapointe, the author and performer will talk about his own time with every means possible. This repeated performance, such as Martin Faucher's Les Dimanches, September 23 and 27, will be both presented by the Festival International de littérature.
Following, in the week of October 5, Karine Sauvé will take the stage for a creative laboratory open to the public with Chansons pour un musée, a theatrical electro-pop concert mixed with visual arts: a resolutely interdisciplinary show. October 14, 16 and 17, Manu Roque, alone on stage, will inhabit the room, navigating between control and letting go in Sierranevada, a kinesthetic performance, echoing the multiple mutations that are constructing and deconstructing the possibilities of a world in the making. From October 28 to November 7, Danse-Cité with Créations Interdisciplinaires We All Fall Down will present Papillon by Helen Simard: three solos and a live experimental soundtrack in a complex trio exploring the delicate balance between order and disorder.
November 12 to 14, La Chapelle will welcome a show that was originally intended for Spring 2020, Measuring Distance Maria Kefirova's new creation, offering diverse perspectives over the same space. From November 23 to December 5, Talisman Theatre invites the audience to a deep, poetic and deliciously quirky experience: Habibi's Angels: Commission Impossible. Kalale Dalton-Lutale and Hoda Adra's play is intended to be a meta-experience of contrasting feminine visions; is a living X-ray of Montreal laying bare its ancient and modern foundations. Finally, to end 2020 on a high note, from December 14 to 18, Collectif CHA, comprised of Paul Chambers and David-Alexandre Chabot, will bring us their new project: Phases Chromatiques. Initially scheduled to be shown last Spring, using headphones, mics and sound effects, the duo will explore the transformative potential of their surrounding space.
To start off 2021, from January 10 to 19, The Bakery will present SKIN in partnership with The Centaur Theatre and the Wild Side Festival. The artist will pose a dreamlike reflection on the duration and value of human existence facing geological times and the raging fluctuations of nature.
And what if we paid the public for their contribution to an artwork? January 25, 26 and 29, Roxane Halary, Burcu Emeç, Michael Martini and Nien Tzu Weng, will blur disciplinary, linguistic and cultural boundaries, questionning what it means to "participate". Later on, Ça a l'air synthétique Bonjour - Hi will offer a collective reflection on invisible work and consent. From February 17 to 28, Système Kangourou and Théâtre du tandem, comprised of Claudine Robillard and Anne-Marie Guilmaine, will present Bermudes (Dérive). Simultaneously, a crafted piano concert, a visual installation and art house cinema, the play depicts the improbable meeting of two opposite beings.
The season will go on with Jean-Sébastien Lourdais who will offer one last show for his career-end celebration with Sur un vaisseau lumière March 8 and 9. Then, Morphoses by Martin Bélanger will take the stage March 15, 16 and 19 for a performance oscillating between science, mythology, poetry and spirituality; an hybrid of genres revealing a strange beauty. At the end of March, from the 26 to the 28, they invite you all to an experimental concert with Ben Shemie and the Quatuor Molinari. This show presented by Mutek, will combine electronic music, voice and a string quartet.
Spring will start off from April 6 to 18, with Danse-cité making a double program come back. The first one will be the latest Pétrus' creation, Face-à-face by Jérémie Niel from April 6 to 11, with Catherine Gaudet, Félix-Antoine Boutin and Louise Bédard (a show initially scheduled in Spring 2020). The second one, 18 P_R_A_C_T_I_C_E_S by Andrew Turner, from April 14 to 18, will follow and explore the various facets of the self, and the impossibility to sometimes suppress it. Following, in the week of April 19, La Chapelle will welcome Cet intervalle by Morena Prats, a colorful, contemplative and explosive show, and also the last of the Spring 2020's postponements.
April 26, 27 and 30, Louise Michel Jackson and Magali Babin will celebrate the fireflies glow facing a world about to topple over into an oppressive darkness with their new creation Bright Worms. Will follow, from May 6 to 11, a collaborative work by Création dans la chambre (Félix-Antoine Boutin, Odile Gamache and Gabriel Plante) and the Belgian company Ersatz, Au jardin des potiniers, a dive in a surreal botany. After a successful run, Jacob Wren and PME-ART will be back at La Chapelle May 12 to 14 with their messy and playful lecture on performance: A User's Guide to Authenticity is a Feeling. Finally, Mykalle Bielinski, alone on stage, will sit on a bike producing the electricity for her Warm Up show where she will apply degrowth concepts to her art illustrating the possibilities of a post-oil world. The dates for this last show will be announced later.
Moreover, several celebrations will mark La Chapelle's 30th anniversary and will also be advertised throughout the year.
The Recurring events Les Salons acoustiques de La Chapelle and Queer Performance Camp will also be part of the 2020-2021 program, but the details will be announced at a later date. As usual the season will end on a high note with projects presented in collaboration with the Festival TransAmériques.