Katie Ward approached this new creation by questioning the concept of reality, highlighting the many details of multiple subjectivities. Dancers and spectators are invited to play specific roles by following parallel scores, executed simoultaneously, in order to form a pool of realities.
In this choreography, Ward creates a space where multiple perspectives and different imaginations coexist. The piece is composed of a variety of aspects and fragments of reality that can be reconstructed in the viewer's perception. The range of performative samples are embodied and felt pieces from each performer's sense of self and from their bodily impulses and beyond.
The dancers surrender to the present moment - creating a dreamlike environment; a fertile ground for discoveries and surprises. imaginationreality offers, on a small scale, an imagination model from which one may reinvent one's ways of seeing the world.
« [Une] nouvelle création délicieusement délirante, tout en drôlerie et finesse, de Katie Ward. La chorégraphe y met en mouvement de manière limpide des phénomènes physiques. [...] Avec des pièces comme la très aboutie et originale, jamais littérale, Infinity Doughnut, la danse peut aider à conserver la mémoire de nos gestes. » - Nayla Naoufal, LE DEVOIR
More Infos >>> https://lachapelle.org/en/schedule/imaginationreality