The Canadian touring phenomenon, Jake's Gift, written and performed by Julia Mackey and directed by Dirk Van Stralen, comes to HVT (Hudson Village Theatre) from September 16 to 20. Since 2007, Juno Productions, has toured this multi-award winning play to more than 200 communities across Canada including international stops in the US, UK and Normandy (France), for the 70th Anniversary of D-Day! Thanks to a grant from Veterans Canada to HVT, registered veterans are welcome to attend any performance of Jake's Gift free of charge.
The one-hour, one-act, one-woman show tells the story of Jake, a Canadian WWII veteran who reluctantly returns to Normandy for the 60th anniversary of the D-Day landings. While revisiting the shores of Juno Beach, Jake encounters Isabelle, a precocious 10-year-old from the local village whose inquisitive nature and charm challenge the old soldier to confront some long-ignored ghosts - most notably, the wartime death of his eldest brother, Chester, a once promising young musician. At its heart, Jake's Gift is about the legacy of remembrance and personalizes the story behind one soldier's grave.
Matt Tiffin, HVT's Artistic Director, can't say enough about the play. "This show is a knockout. Husband and wife team, Julia and Dirk, have crossed this country countless times, playing every theatre, every concert hall, every Legion and Town Hall in every city, town and hamlet, and theatres keep bringing them back time and time again for one reason: the show is breath-taking. The relationship between Jake and Isabelle is warm, humorous and profoundly moving. Deceptively simple, Jake's Gift grabs you by the heart and doesn't let go."
Jake's Gift, a powerful tribute to veterans, is written and performed by West Island native, Julia Mackey, and was inspired by her own journey to Normandy, France, for the 60th Anniversary of D-Day in June 2004. For the past eight years, this surprisingly funny drama has been receiving rave reviews and capturing the hearts of Canadians across the nation. In July 2014 Juno Productions celebrated its 700th performance of Jake's Gift.
Since the fall of 2011, Juno Productions has been presenting Legions across Canada with a special print called Fallen Heroes, commissioned by the Canadian Fallen Heroes Foundation (CFHF). HVT has invited the Hudson Legion to receive the gift from Julia Mackey following one of her performances.
POPPY TRUST FUND: Director, Dirk Van Stralen, has created a set of three Jake's Gift buttons, each pertaining to a theme in the play. Juno Productions has been selling these button packages following every performance at $5.00 per package with 100% of the profits going to the local Poppy Trust Fund. Since 2010, Juno Productions has raised over $25,000.00 for Poppy Trust Funds across Canada.
Betty Mitchell Award, Outstanding Performance by an Actress in a Drama Award (Calgary) · British Columbia Touring Council's Touring Artist of the Year Award · CAPACOA's 2010-2011 Touring Artist of the Year Award · 2010 - Contact East Touring Performers Award · 2009 Royal Canadian Legion Media Award ·
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