To lead off its 66th consecutive season, the Hudson Players Club (HPC), Quebec's longest running community theatre troupe, is breaking new ground with the launch of the Eat Our Shorts! Play Festival, a week-long cavalcade of short plays. Four different companies comprised of local artists will present a range of exciting plays from November 26th to 30th at the charming theatre in the former train station in Hudson (28 Wharf Road, Hudson QC J0P 1H0). Each performance will feature two plays, and festival passes are available. (Play details follow.)
"In a world of increasingly fast-food entertainment, we wanted to satiate Hudson's hunger for fun, intellectually nourishing live amusement by giving folks a soupcon of gourmet theatre but at diner prices. We came up with the concept of a festival of short plays that would enable artists to quench their appetites for performing without biting off more than they could chew. Given all the food metaphors, the name Eat Our Shorts! Play Festival seemed apropos," explained Chris Gobeil, festival producer for the Hudson Players Club. Gobeil continued to say, "We hope the first edition of Eat Our Shorts! is well received so we can make it an annual event to give local artists a vehicle to present short plays by established playwrights or to launch new work."
Contributing largely to the funding of this and upcoming HPC events, are the Friday Nov. 29th and Saturday November 30th late night (10:30pm) performances of The Mansfield Brothers Vaudelesque Revue. This saucy show for adults is sure to titillate and tickle the funny bone. The ticket price includes a selection of tasty treats (there will be food as well!) and a cash bar. Packages are available that combine festival play tickets with the gala (info below).
About Hudson Players Club
Founded in 1948, the Hudson Players Club is a community organization dedicated to providing opportunities for Hudson and area amateur actors to present their skills on stage. Their mission is also to bring affordable and accessible theatrical performances to the community. The Hudson Players Club is a founding partner in the Hudson Village Theatre; audiences will find many HPC members acting in the popular seasonal treat, the annual holiday Pantomime fundraiser.
.Four unique Shorts.
The Eat Our Shorts! Play Festival is produced by the Hudson Players Club in partnership with third party theatrical ensembles. Each performance will feature two plays, which are rotated each night so that all of the partners have the opportunity to work together. Shows are at 8pm on November 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30, with a 2pm matinee on Saturday November 30. The producing partners and playlist for the 2013 inaugural edition of the Festival are:
Lakeshore Light Opera: Cox & Box by F.C. Burnand and Arthur Sullivan (of Gilbert and Sullivan fame). Sgt. Bouncer has a good thing going: he is renting the same cheap room to two lodgers, neither of whom is aware of the other's existence. Mr. Cox works all day making hats, while Mr. Box works all night setting type for the morning paper. What could possibly go wrong?
November 27 & 28 - 8pm; November 30 - 2pm
Lowell Gasoi: Never Swim Alone by Daniel MacIvor is a thrilling story of male competition and the perils of desire... the desire to be "first" at all costs. This production features a unique digital performance, a projected character that begs the question: how do the past, present and future live together on the stage?
November 26, 29 & 30 - 8pm
Philo14: The Case o' Bianca by Philippe Gobeille. In the tradition of the film noir era, the adventures of Humphrey Beauregard bring us to a French Café in Morocco. This show features hand-crafted puppets under the manipulation of the show's creator, and features dark humour, awkward situations and theatrical moments rarely seen performed by puppets.
November 27, 28 & 30 - 8pm
ReMarcable Productions: Act Three, Scene Five: by Terry Ortwein. The stage is set for five students rehearsing Romeo and Juliet. Inexperience, egos and jealousies are becoming more important than the show and the sometimes comic, always touching love story of Romeo and Juliet is paralleled by a growing offstage relationship ...
November 26 & 29 - 8pm; November 30 - 2pm
Single show: $20 Plus The Mansfield Brothers gala: $50
Two shows: $35 Plus The Mansfield Brothers gala: $65
All-access festival passes: $150 The Mansfield Brothers gala ONLY: $40
For more information and/or to purchase tickets, please visit the HPC web site at or call (514) 660-4472.
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Christopher Gobeil