Kaleidoscope Theatre Montreal will present its sixth production, second musical and first Fringe show: Captain Aurora: A Superhero Musical,created and directed by Trevor Barrette. Set in the not-too-distant future, Captain Aurora is a high-octane show aboutthe nightmares that come true when dreams do and the search for meaning, a search that will take our audience from the streets of Megacity to intergalactic spacecrafts and alternate dimensions!
In the wake of an extraterrestrial invasion, humanity has entered an age of peace and harmony leaving our superheroine, Captain Aurora, bored and longing for adventure. However, when an A'aru warship resurfaces, threatening Earth's newfound unity, it will be up to her to save the day... Will she be ready?
Founded by Trevor Barrette in 2011, KaleidoscopeMTL seeks to work with emerging and young professional artists to produce classical pieces and original works with a focus on dynamic storytelling and design. Their current production seeks to play with the tropes and narratives of superhero fiction and to engage with and to create a dialogue about the representation of women in popular culture. Barrette says, "People are happy to suspend their disbelief for post-apocalyptic futures, extraterrestrial warfare and superheroes, but I often find that they are surprised to learn that Captain Aurora is a woman. That's why we are presenting this now. To have that conversation."
Featuring a 12-person cast, 10 all-new songs and a 3-piece band!
Choreographer: Justine Lewis, Fight Director: Michelle Lewis, Technical Director and Lighting Designer: Isabel Quintero Faia Set and Property Designer: Skyler Diotte, Costume Designer: Rachel Quintero Faia, Cast: Eva Petris, Zachary Creatchman, Sean Colby, Dayane Ntibarikure, Justine Lewis, Kenny Wong, Nikki Haggart, Jonathan Patterson, Michelle Lewis, Brett Seivwright, Saraah Hicks and Lee Clapp
Kaleidoscope Theatre Montreal presents Captain Aurora: A Superhero Musical
Venue 10 - Theatre La Chapelle, 3700, St. Dominique, Montreal, Quebec, H2X 2X7
Saturday, June 13 at 21:45 / Sunday, June 14 at 13:00 / Monday, June 15 at 18:00
Wednesday, June 17 at 21:45 / Friday, June 19 at 13:30 / Saturday, June 20 at 20:00
Tickets: $10 + $2 Service Fees For reservations call 514 849-3378 or visit: