Brave New Productions returns after a two year hiatus with a special livestream performance of "A Public Reading Of An Unproduced Screenplay About The Death Of Walt Disney" by Lucas Hnath. While observing social distancing, and in a bid to encourage continued self-isolation, the company is holding this special complimentary online event to offer some entertainment and escape during these exceptional circumstances.
In this highly unusual and surprisingly poetic performance the online audience is invited to experience a show that blurs the line between play and stage reading. You see, Walt is going to read you a screenplay he wrote. It's about his last days on earth. It's about a city he's going to build that's going to change the world. And it's about his brother. It's about everyone who loves him so much, and it's about how sad they're going to be when he's gone. Right? I mean, how can they live without him? How can anyone live without him?
After 15 years playing an active part of Montreal's vibrant indie theatre scene, Brave New Productions took an indefinite hiatus in the summer of 2018. The team has reassembled for this special event to promote the need for continued social distancing and self-isolation. "We can be apart, together, " says Executive director Stephanie McKenna, "Not every play lends itself to a live stream but this one does."
The company is making all tickets FREE for this special live streaming event, which has been made possible through special partnerships with Dramatists Play Services and ACTRA. Founder Donald Rees explains, "We know that artists and many of our supporters who would like to attend may be in a difficult financial situation and unable to afford non-essential purchases. It's important for us to make sure that the event is accessible to as many people as possible." Audience members must still sign-up for the event at BraveNewProductions.Com (first-come, first-served with only a limited number of tickets available.)
Featuring at-home performances by Nir Guzinski, Stephanie McKenna, Stephanie Coco Palermo and Daniel James McFee.