Arts Alive! Québec (AAQ) partners with Theatre Wakefield's Ta Da! Festival for a third exciting year to celebrate arts in the region, from September 8-10.
This charming town on the Gatineau River is famous for its covered bridge along with the many artists who live there. Combining theatre, dance, music and community visual art, the Festival's acts are entertaining, whimsical, funny, gripping and thought provoking.
What most inspires Ta Da! Festival Artistic Director Kerstin Petersson is bringing artists from the other AAQ festivals to Wakefield, as she explains, "Being a networker by nature, the idea of building connections between isolated pockets of English-speaking Quebecers is so important to me. As well, we bring in shows from outside of the region along with featuring our own local and regional talent." This year the Festival is more family oriented than previous years, and as affordable as possible- the music and theatre outdoor programming is pay-what-you-can.
ELAN Executive Director Guy Rodgers has been enjoying traveling to the regions throughout the summer series, where artists and arts lovers have been gathering across the communities. He is looking forward to visiting the next region on the AAQ circuit: "Wakefield will showcase an engaging mix of traditional and quirky works in their artsy community, a short drive from our National Capital. This is a perfect day-trip to enjoy music, theatre, dance performances, emerging writers, food and beautiful scenery. We expect a lot of new friends will discover Arts Alive! Québec this summer, engaging in eclectic activities and outstanding performances.
Petersson is looking forward to two award-winning Toronto plays- 3 Men in a Boat and Blind to Happiness. Other highlights include funky shows like Tanztee mit Anita Berber and wonderful kids' programming. There will also be many workshops, like North Indian tabla with Shawn Mativetsky, and artist demonstrations for both grown-ups and kids. Sunday offers a backdrop of a local arts and crafts market, complete with a beer and wine tent and local food.
Wakefield programming below, details here!
Most events take place at Centre Wakefield La Pêche, 38 chemin de la vallée-de-wakefield.
Festival Pass $40 • Shows & Workshops $12 • Outdoor shows and entertainment are pass-the-hat.
Friday, September 8
6:00pm: bar opens (foyer)
7:00pm: New Works program (Gwen Shea Hall)
7:30pm: The Move freeform dance workshop with Owen Tuf (soccer field)
8:30pm: Blind to Happiness play (Gwen Shea Hall)
9:30pm: Opening Gala with Ray Montfort (foyer)
Saturday, September 9
9am: Artists' Brunch Bistro Rutherford's/Farmers' Market
12-3pm: Community Art- join cj fleury for 10 minutes or two hours (foyer)
1:00pm: Wake Up Sleeping Beauty (Gwen Shea Hall), Feldenkrais workshop (studio)
2:45pm: double-bill - Allyann Foehring & Theatre Camp performance (Gwen Shea Hall)
4:00pm: Tabla workshop with Shawn Mativetsky (studio)
5:00pm: Malaysian Satay BBQ & Old-Time Jam (front lawn), Silent Disco with Jacqueline van de Geer
7:15pm: double-bill - Sweet Kate a capella vocal ensemble, Laura & Big Yellow Taxi dance
8:30pm: Three Men in a Boat award-winning play (Gwen Shea Hall)
9:00pm: double-bill - Dynamite Motel, Ein Tanztee mit Anita Berger cabaret with Jaqueline van de Geer (Kaffe 1870)
Sunday, September 10
11am: Sing It Out workshop (library), Tap Dance workshop (Gwen Shea Hall)
12-3pm: Community Art (foyer)
1:00pm: Wake Up Sleeping Beauty (Gwen Shea Hall)
4:00pm: Fairy Tales with a Twist workshop
8:00pm: Closing Gala
12:15: Angus Burger & The Fiddlin' Fries concert
1:00pm: Michel André Vallières concert
1:45pm: Home Child play
2:40pm: Luce Bélanger concert
3:25pm: Eniid concert
4:15pm: A Summer... A Fair play
ARTS ALIVE! QUÉBEC is a moveable feast of music, theatre, dance, visual arts, film and so much more. Initiated by ELAN (English-language Arts Network) in 2015, six dynamic regions-Knowlton, Quebec City, Hudson, Huntingdon, Wakefield and Montreal's West Island-produce six individual festivals to showcase Quebec's diverse cultural communities and innovative artists with activities and performances for the entire family! Visit the AAQ web site for details and stay connected for the rest of the summer:
ELAN (English-Language Arts Network) is a not-for-profit organization that connects, supports, and promotes Quebec's English-speaking artists and arts communities. Its members include artists and organizations representing a multitude of artistic disciplines and regions of Quebec. ELAN's philosophy is inclusive, encouraging an evolving Quebec identity that recognizes French as the public language and celebrates social, cultural, and artistic diversity. To find out more about ELAN's various programs, visit