CThe story revolves around Percy, a young woman who has just been released from prison. She hopefully chooses the tiny town of Gilead, Wisconsin, to possibly rise above her story and her painful past. Her presence at the struggling Spitfire Grill upsets some, excites others, and takes the town on a musical journey of renewal, self-discovery, and redemption.
Working with the talented, tight-knit, small cast of seven has been an invigorating experience for Martinez. "I haven't directed a show with less than 40 people in it for quite a while. In the time that I usually take to stage a gigantic musical number, in Elf, for example, we can really dive into the characters, their actions, and their motivations. It is really exciting when you can work that way." Martinez adds that three of the seven cast members are new to the MCT stage.
Martinez is thrilled to present The Spitfire Grill to the Missoula community. "It pleases me that we, MCT, can offer shows that aren't always mainstream. We have the responsibility of introducing and sharing those shows with our audience."
Tickets for The Spitfire Grill are available at MCTinc.org. Audiences should note The Spitfire Grill contains mild adult themes and is rated PG-13.
*The Spitfire Grill will take place at the MCT Center for the Performing Arts March 5-15, 2020. Tickets are available at MCTinc.org; by calling 406-728-PLAY(7529); or at the MCT Box Office, which is open Mon.- Fri. between 9AM and 5PM. The production is sponsored by US Bank; Blackfoot; and Glacier Sotheby's International Realty.
MCT, Inc. | 200 North Adams St., Missoula, MT 59802 | 406-728-7529 | mct@MCTinc.org | www.MCTinc.org