Charlotte's Web, one of the most beloved stories in American children's literature, will come to life on the stage of the MCT Center for the Performing Arts Sept 12-13. Produced by the Missoula Children's Theatre (MCT), Charlotte's Web is MCT's annual Theatre for Young Audiences (TYA) production. TYA is children's theatre featuring professional adult actors.
In the show, we meet all of the enchanting Charlotte's Web characters: Wilbur, the irresistible young pig who desperately wants to avoid the butcher; Fern, a girl who understands what animals say to each other; Templeton, the gluttonous rat who can occasionally be talked into a good deed; and the extraordinary spider, Charlotte, who proves to be "a true friend and a good writer." Determined to save Wilbur, Charlotte begins her campaign with the "miracle" of her web in which she writes, "Some pig." It's the beginning of a victorious campaign which ultimately ends with the now-safe Wilbur doing what is most important to Charlotte.
While Charlotte's Web is the story of an enduring friendship, it also reminds us that our own individuality and unique gifts are valuable and useful, whether you're a spider or a pig or a rat or a person.
With cooperation from SPARK! and the Missoula County Public Schools (MCPS), all MCPS second grade students will field trip to the MCT Center for the Performing Arts for a performance of Charlotte's Web during Arts in Education Week. This is the 5th year that MCT has been able to offer this theatre experience to the MCPS second graders.
Charlotte's Web public performances are Thursday, Sept. 12 at 12:00 PM and Friday, Sept. 13 at 12:00 PM and 6:00 PM. All performances are at the MCT Center for the Performing Arts. Tickets are available at; by calling 406-728-7529; or at MCT's Box Office.