The Broadway grand slam hit Damn Yankees continues its run at The Ellen Theatre on August 2, and will run for two more weekends. In the lead role of Joe Hardy, The Ellen welcomes from Los Angeles guest artist Connor Berkompas. Also in the cast is guest artist Daniel Moore (from New York), who sings the all-star classic "You Gotta Have Heart." A powerhouse roster of singers and dancers knocks this musical comedy favorite clear out of the park, all backed by a sparkling 20-piece live orchestra.
If you don't have a program, Damn Yankees is the story of Joe Boyd, a devoted fan of the hapless Washington Senators, who sells his soul to the devil, Mr. Applegate (Mark Kuntz), for a chance to beat the dreaded Yankees. Applegate transforms Boyd into 22-year-old baseball phenom Joe Hardy to lead the Senators to the World Series. A couple of curve balls include temptress Lola (Val Andrews, singing "Whatever Lola Wants"), as well as nosy reporter Gloria Thorpe, played by Annabella Joy, singing "Shoeless Joe from Hannibal, MO." Last summer, Ms. Joy wowed Ellen audiences as Ado Annie in Oklahoma!
The Ellen team takes the field for 6 more performances. Friday and Saturday contests begin at 7:30 PM and Sunday matinees see first pitch at 3:00 PM, with Sunday, August 11 being the final performance. According to the commissioner's office, as The Ellen Theatre is indoors, there will be no rainouts.
Reserved seats for this double-header of major league music and longball laughs range from $18 for upper balcony and youth (17 and under), to $25 for main floor and mezzanine viewing. A limited number of premium $32 seats are also available.
Step up to the plate and secure your tickets online at, or by calling the box office at 406-585-5885, or at the theatre, located at 17 West Main Street in downtown Bozeman. The lobby will be open one hour prior to game time for beer, wine and other refreshments. Play ball!