Scarecrow on Fire brings a unique twist to the classic tale of The Wizard of Oz, set to premiere from April 25 to May 4, 2025. Written by Kevin Kling, the story follows Dorothy as she grapples with her return to Kansas, enlisting the help of beloved characters like the Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion to navigate her troubles. The all-star cast features Dan Chouinard as the Tin Man, Stephen Yoakam as the Lion, Simone Perrin as Dorothy, and Kevin Kling as the Scarecrow, all directed by Michael Robins. Together, they embark on a series of adventures that culminate in the heartfelt realization that "Home. There really is no place like it."
Groucho Marx Meets T.S. Eliot (2/21/25-3/9/25)
KEEPIN’ IT REAL (3/1/25-3/31/25)
Transatlantic Love Affair presents Red and the Mother Wild (3/28/25-4/13/25)
Fresh Ink (6/1/25-6/30/25)
ILLUSION. OUTSIDE. Live at Lyndale Gardens (7/1/25-8/31/25)
Nobody, No Time (9/1/25-9/30/25)
Miss Richfield 1981’s Holiday Pro’grum - Phony Baloney (12/6/24-12/22/24)
Live and Deal with Others Better: The Gift of Shakespeare’s Romances (9/30/24-9/30/24)
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Gay Man (9/20/24-10/6/24)
Malamanya - LIVE at Lyndale Gardens (8/28/24-8/28/24)
History-on-a-Schtick & Honeywine - LIVE at Lyndale Gardens (8/20/24-8/20/24)
Growing Up Richfield - LIVE at Lyndale Gardens (8/14/24-8/14/24)
Song of the Open Road - LIVE at Lyndale Gardens (8/7/24-8/7/24)
Give Get Sistet (7/31/24-7/31/24)
Kevin Kling, Simone Perrin & Dan Chouinard - LIVE at Lyndale Gardens (7/24/24-7/24/24)
Prudence Johnson and Yazmin - LIVE at Lyndale Gardens (7/17/24-7/17/24)
The Little Mermaid
Ordway Center for the Performing Arts (12/3 - 12/29) | ||
I'll Be Homicidal For Christmas
The Mystery Cafe (12/7 - 12/28) | ||
Miss Richfield 1981’s Holiday Pro’grum - Phony Baloney
ILLUSION THEATER (12/6 - 12/22)
| ||
Stavros Halkias: The Dreamboat Tour
Orpheum Theatre (4/17 - 4/17) | ||
An American In Paris
E.M. Pearson Theatre (5/16 - 5/18) | ||
Alton Brown Live - Last Bite
Orpheum Theatre (4/27 - 4/27) | ||
The One-Act Play That Goes Wrong
Duluth Playhouse at the NorShor Theatre (1/31 - 2/9) | ||
Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley
Commonweal Theatre Company (11/23 - 12/22) | ||
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