"Zen Shorts" is an extraordinary story featuring a wise panda, Stillwater, who teaches three siblings valuable life lessons. Written by Jon J. Muth, "Zen Shorts" opens April 12 at Stages Theatre Company (STC) and is especially for ages 3 - 7.
Awarded the 2006 Caldecott Honor, "Zen Shorts," adapted by playwright Jeannine Coulombe, is a production that had a unique script development process. In November Coulombe participated in a two-week development workshop directed by Jon Ferguson. Ferguson worked with a group of young actors to explore the text and images in Muth's book. Through exercises and improvisation they developed a physical approach to telling the story. Coulombe wrote in conjunction with what Ferguson and the students were creating. At the end of the two-weeks, Coulombe had written the play's first draft. She then refined the script over the next couple of months when it was ready for a more traditional rehearsal process directed by Melanie Salmon-Peterson.
Coulombe relates, "This was a truly collaborative way of writing a play -- so much more than sitting alone at my computer imagining actors on stage. There is physical language in the play that would never have been discovered without this approach. It worked so well with this book because Muth is an illustrator as much as a writer and the images of the book translate so well into the work Ferguson does with actors. I loved being a part of it."
"Zen Shorts" uses limited props allowing the actors on stage to become part of the set, furniture and other items in a fun and physical way.
"This is a show that, more than most, speaks in a different way to all age levels. Stillwater, the panda, meets each of the children and tells them a story that helps them work through a trouble they each have. Sometimes we carry our worries for so long that they get in the way of what we need to do right now," describes Salmon-Peterson.
"Zen Shorts" opens April 12 and ends May 5, with a run time of 45 minutes and is suitable for ages 3 - 7. Tickets can be purchased by visiting www.stagestheatre.org for performance dates and times, or by calling the Box Office at (952) 979-1111, Tuesday through Saturday from noon to 6 p.m. Tickets are $15 for adults, and $12 for children (ages 5 to 17) and seniors (60+). "Zen Shorts" takes place in the Hopkins Jaycees Studio and there is limited ticket availability.
Stages Theatre Company was founded in 1984 and since then has grown to become one of the largest professional theatres for young audiences in the country. We engage young artists with themes relevant to their lives and involve them in creating magical works featuring young people in meaningful roles. Through theatrical productions, workshops, conservatory classes and other outreach programs, Stages Theatre Company annually serves more than 130,000 young people and their families.