The Twin Cities Horror Festival returns to its old haunt at the Southern Theater for ten days
this fall. Following its successful initiation in 2012, the festival once again sets the stage for seven accomplished local performance groups to present seven new works exploring the theme of horror through theater, music, dance, and storytelling. More than 30 performances will take place over two weekends with a bonus RecycleYour-Halloween-Costume party the night of Friday, November 8th
Festival works will include Spooky Town by Ferrari McSpeedy, The Murderer Did It! by Four Humors, Trust
and Obey by Ghoulish Delights, Tainted Love by Erin Sheppard Presents, Hear No Evil by RawRedMeat
Productions, a new untitled project by The Coldharts, and a family-friendly play featuring zombies and
puppets by Comedy Suitcase.