After a year of virtual performances, audiences are eager for live entertainment.
While dance productions across the country have been mostly online and virtual this year, this summer Twin Cities residents will be able to see some performance live and in person... outside!
The Star Tribune reports Ballet Co.Laboratory, Ragamala Dance Company, April Sellers Dance Collective, Off-Leash Area, and Helen Hatch and Beret Ahlgren among other companies will all bring their performances outdoors with the warmer weather.
"I think there are some companies that have said, 'we don't want to do virtual shows.' This is a live, in person art that is reliant on hearing breath and sharing sweat and all those things that make dance so delicious. For me, it has been a balance between wanting to innovate when it feels comfortable and then also standing my ground when it doesn't..." said Erinn Liebhard of Rhythmically Speaking - who will perform outdoors next month.
Photo: Ragamala Dance Company