Theatre Pro Rata's 2019-20 season will include two world premieres by local playwrights and a production in collaboration with the Bell Museum that will be presented in the Whitney and Elizabeth MacMillan Planetarium.
By Rachel Teagle // Directed by Sofia Lindgren Galloway
Performing at The Crane Theater
December 7-22, 2019
A cockroach and an amazon walk into an apocalypse...
A modern science fiction parable about the dehumanization of women. The play follows a super-intelligent cockroach and his feral human ward who discover a robotic woman in the ruins of civilization. Together, they must put aside their differences and venture into the belly of the human settlement to find the truth about this new world. Informed by a gleeful pastiche of high and low culture, this funny and feminist story centers the experiences of women and interrogates how the stories we tell ourselves shape our lives.
By Lauren Gunderson // Directed By Carin Bratlie Wethern
Performing at the Whitney and Elizabeth MacMillan Planetarium, Bell Museum
February 22-March 8, 2020
Make your dreams heard.
Silent Sky takes place In the early twentieth century, when Henrietta Leavitt and a group of women "computers" pursued astronomical research at the Harvard Observatory under the supervision of a male scientist. Their work proved to be crucial to the development of the field. Henrietta herself had to balance her dedication to her work with the demands of her family, health challenges, and the possibility of personal relationships. The achievements and difficulties of a woman scientist in a challenging historical period combine in this thought-provoking and engaging play. Come listen to the music of the spheres!
Adapted by Heather Meyer // Directed By Nicole Marie Wilder
Performing at The Crane Theater
Summer 2020
Unholy matrimony.
A wealthy heiress rejects society's pressure to take a husband by building a cloistered utopia for unmarried women. She and the women vow to live new lives according to the heiress's own "principles of pleasure." Whoever said money can't buy happiness, didn't have enough money to try. A new adaptation of the 1668 play written by "Mad Madge" aka Margaret Cavendish, the Duchess of Newcastle.
Theatre Pro Rata will also continue its on-going play reading series with two readings during the run of each show. The readings are free and open to the public. Almost all plays in recent seasons were initially read during the play reading series.