Tedious Brief Productions proudly presents The Final Act, an Elizabethan noir thriller that tells the true (well, partially true) story of the death of playwright Christopher Marlowe, contemporary of William Shakespeare. The play is being produced as part of the Minnesota Fringe Festival which runs from today, August 1st through the 11th.
The story centers around Nicholas Skeres, a private investigator hired by a mysterious woman, Rebecca, to retrieve something from the most famous playwright of 1590's England, Christopher Marlowe. But when the wordsmith winds up dead and Nick is framed for the crime, he has to work quickly to figure out whodunit before the police, the London underworld, and some suspicious Spaniards track him down.
Using actual historical events as the backdrop for the story, Tedious Brief ventures into new waters by creating their first script that isn't based on a modern film. Instead, it's the Film Noir genre in general that receives an Elizabethan makeover.
The cast features Grant Henderson as Nick Skeres with his real-life wife Katherine Kupiecki as the femme fatale, Rebecca. Twin Cities theater veteran Edwin Strout plays Christopher Marlowe.
Theatre Pro Rata artistic director Carin Bratlie, who helmed Tedious Brief's first production in 2009, Bard Fiction, returns to direct. When asked what excited her about The Final Act, she said, "I was really excited that Tedious Brief was branching out into a story of their own devising... and the script does not disappoint! I can't wait to dig into the noir twists and turns."
Tedious Brief previously produced the smash Fringe hits Bard Fiction (the Shakespearean adaptation of Pulp Fiction) in 2009 and Tempests (the Shakespearean adaptation of Aliens) in 2011.
The Final Act, written by Aaron Greer, Ben Tallen and BrIan Watson-Jones and directed by Carin Bratlie, will play The Woman's Club of Minneapolis, 410 Oak Grove Street, Minneapolis, MN 55403. Tickets: $12 (+ $4 Fringe Button) General Admission.
Thursday, Aug 1st - 5:30pmSunday, Aug 4th - 5:30pm
Tuesday, Aug 6th - 7:00pm
Thursday, Aug 8th - 8:30pm
Saturday, Aug 10th - 4:00pm
The Final Act is presented as part of the 2013 Minnesota Fringe Festival. Please check the show's page on the Fringe Festival's website for more information.
Originally founded in 2009, Tedious Brief Productions is comprised of local actors and writers looking to create theater that blends "traditional" theater with popular entertainment of the modern day, pushing the envelope of neo-classical fusion theater. We create work that is fun and engaging, bridging the gap between theater aficionados and the public at large.
Pictured: Ben Tallen, Grant Henderson, and Katherine Kupiecki. Photo Credit: Scott Pakudaitis.