Stages Theatre Company (STC) presents "Owl Moon" a unique production featuring a story completely told through movement and dance. Based on the 1988 Caldecott Medal book by Jane Yolen, this world premiere production focuses on a mystical, magical winter wonderland where a father and child take a walk in the woods hoping to spot an owl and are surprised by what they find.
Collaborating with Escalate Dance and Theatre Studio based in Maple Grove was a natural fit for a production that is dance intensive. "This production of "Owl Moon" has been the most collaborative production I have ever been involved in. From the moment this book was secured for production, I envisioned a completely movement theatre based piece of work, steeped in ballet - that just felt right," says STC Artistic Director Sandy Boren-Barrett.
A special Sensory-Friendly performance allows families and individuals touched by autism to attend a performance of "Owl Moon" Saturday, March 9 at 10 a.m. The house lights will be on, sound levels lowered, and audience members will be allowed to move around the theater during the performance. Contact our Box Office with questions or to reserve tickets at (952) 979-1111, option four. Mention code SENSORY and receive a FREEchild's ticket with the purchase of an adult ticket for this performance.
"Owl Moon" opens March 8 and ends March 24, with a run time of 45 minutes and is suitable for all ages. Tickets can be purchased by visiting for performance dates and times, or by calling the Box Office at (952) 979-1111, Tuesday through Saturday from noon to 6 p.m. Tickets are $15 for adults, and $12 for children (ages 5 to 17) and seniors (60+). There is limited availability for weekday matinees.
Stages Theatre Company was founded in 1984 and since then has grown to become one of the largest professional theatres for young audiences in the country. We engage young artists with themes relevant to their lives and involve them in creating magical works featuring young people in meaningful roles. Through theatrical productions, workshops, conservatory classes and other outreach programs, Stages Theatre Company annually serves more than 130,000 young people and their families.