Playwright/Producer Reginald Edmund in collaboration with Pegasus Players and Wild Seven/New Voices Theatre, present a dual city workshop production of Reginald Edmund's Blacula.
Inspired by the famous 1972 Blaxploitation film, Blacula is a tragicomedy with funk music that explores sexual politics and the enduring love of a man for a woman.
"Blacula will be a fun night of theatre, it's ambitious in theme, it's ambitious in its scale, and it's bold, crazy, and a little bit on the raunchy side," Said playwright Reginald Edmund.
When Franklin Park discovers that the love of his life is dating an ancient African vampire, no one believes him, so he enlists the help of a strange vampire-slaying duo to help save the girl . . . and maybe even the world.
With dual performances in the cities of Chicago (staged earlier this month on October 13) and Minneapolis (tonight!), the play is being produced just in time for Halloween and the 40th anniversary of the film. Each production has it's own cast and director, the project is comprised of 20 actors, 2 directors, and a lot of funk music.
"Having a rolling work shop production of Blacula is a different model which gives the playwright more power and opportunities in exposing their work" said Edmund, "A part of what we are hoping to accomplish with this production is to see what happens when two cities, experience the same show on the same night. It's a great experience for theatres to see if they want to include the play in their future seasons, and for playwrights to see how their plays are received in different cities.
The Minneapolis production of Blacula will be the first full length play to kick off Wild Seven/New Voices theatre, and will be directed by Harry Waters Jr. A theatre company based in both Minneapolis and Chicago, providing playwrights of color, artistic homes in both cities.
"I chose this production to jumpstart this company because I want audiences to go on an exciting journey that takes them through several different emotions but ultimately leaves them saying they had an amazing ride," said Edmund, "Blacula raises the bar I think on horror comedy theatre, and I feel it will serve as a great opener to the treasure trove of work that this company will be producing."
Minneapolis: Tonight, October 31 at Bryant Lake Bowl, 810 West Lake Street Costumes are highly encouraged for Halloween performances in both cities.For more about the show, find Blacula on Facebook.