The first performance will take place on Saturday March 8 at First Congregational Church.
Six short plays in Repro Eco, connecting Reproductive Freedom and Environmental Justice, are headed for La Crosse, Wisconsin in March and April 2025.
In January 2024, six playwrights began their artistic investigations to explore the intersection of reproductive health and environmental justice. It was the start of a new and unique theatre project, ReproEco.
ReproEco is a collection of short plays addressing environmental impacts on reproductive health in humans. Climate change, PFAS, microplastics, "forever chemicals," and toxins impact all of us. Furthermore, certain populations-pregnant people, children, low-income communities, people of color-are in especially high-risk categories.
Each play in the ReproEco collective stands on its own; together they tell a more complete scenario of how our environment affects everything in and around us- including our future.
La Crosse actor and writer Diane Breeser, one of the six playwrights chosen, will bring ReproEco to her western Wisconsin hometown this Spring as a series of play readings. The schedule is:
ReproEco presents fact-based information that engages audiences through different theatrical storytelling genres. The readings, which are free and open to the public, include talk-backs with a panel of healthcare professionals and environmental science experts. Refreshments will be available.
In addition to Diane Breeser (Maybe Our Baby, March 8 and April 24), the other writers are Cindy Cooper (Until the Change Comes, March 20), Alinca Hamilton (Always Never Really Here, March 8), Mildred Inez Lewis (Through Water into Blood, April 5), Cassandra Medley (We Are Our Ancestors' Reasons for Living, April 5), and Laura Shamas (Priorities, April 24).