On June 7th, 2012 Theatre Pro Rata will hold its first annual Spring Gala fundraiser, titled "Meet the Candidates", at the Soo Visual Arts Gallery in Minneapolis.
The event will revolve around Pro Rata's upcoming production of 44 Plays for 44 Presidents and will include a preview of the play. In addition to the preview, attendees will be able to "cast their votes" for three different presidents in attendance (portrayed by actors from the production) by purchasing raffle tickets to win movie and theater tickets, gift certificates, fun prizes, and the first ever Theatre Pro Rata season ticket. The president who receives the most votes will be "elected" to perform their scene.
Tickets are available for $25. Those who purchase in advance from Pro Rata's website will receive five free raffle tickets.
Bartending services for this event are being sponsored by Bryant Lake Bowl. Beer has been donated by Summit Brewing Co.
Prize donors include: Magers & Quinn, Park Square Theater, Walking Shadow Theater, The Minnesota Fringe Festival, Sandbox Theater, Surly Brewing Co., Willow Creek Movie Theater and many more.
The event will be held at The Soo Visual Arts Center, 2638 Lyndale Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55408.
Tickets are available for $25. (Tickets purchased in advance will include five free raffle tickets!)
For more information or to purchase tickets in advance, please visit our website, http://www.theatreprorata.org.