Celebrating its 40th anniversary, "Evita" is a musical masterpiece by Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber that is filled with well-known numbers such as "Oh What a Circus," "Buenos Aires," and "Don't Cry for Me Argentina."
"Evita" brings to life the rags-to-riches rise of Eva Peron, the First Lady of Argentina. Set between 1934 and 1952, the Tony Award winner for Best Musical follows Eva Duarte on her journey from poor illegitimate child to ambitious actress to the most powerful woman in Latin America, before her death from cancer at age 33.
"Evita" will run from March 22-April 14, 2019. To reserve tickets for the production contact the Lyric Arts box office at 763-422-1838 or visit www.lyricarts.org.
Photo Credit: Twin Cities Headshots