Baby Case originally premiered at the Arden Theater Company in Philadelphia in 2001 and received four Barrymore Awards including Outstanding Overall Production of a Musical and Outstanding Original Music (with 11 nominations). In 2012 it played at the New York Musical Festival where it received the "Best of Fest" audience prize. Baby Case celebrates its regional premiere at History Theatre in Charles Lindbergh's boyhood home state of Minnesota.
The production is directed by Ron Peluso, with music direction by Jake Endres (Coco's Diary), and choreography by Jan Puffer (Christmas of Swing), and features Peter Middlecamp as Charles Lindbergh/Bruno Richard Hauptman, Kendall Anne Thompson as Anne Morrow Lindbergh/Anna Hauptman, and Jon Andrew Hegge as Walter Winchell. They are joined by Gary Briggle, Kym Chambers Otto, Paul R. Coate, Ron Collier, Laurie Flanigan Hegge, Nicholas Freeman, James Ramlet, and Emily A. Grodzik.
Tickets can be purchased here. The show runs now through November 3rd.
Photo Credit: Scott Pakudaitis
Peter Middlecamp as Charles Lindbergh
Peter Middlecamp as Charles Lindbergh, surrounded by (l to r) Nicholas Freeman, James Ramlet, Ron Collier, and Gary Briggle (above)
Kendall Anne Thompson and Peter Middlecamp (seated) as Anne Morrow and Charles Lindbergh, surrounded by (l to r) Laurie Flanigan Hegge, Jon Andrew Hegge, Kym Chambers Otto, Nicholas Freeman, Ron Collier, Paul R. Coate, and Emily A. Grodzik
Kendall Anne Thompson and Peter Middlecamp as Anne and Charles Lindbergh holding Charles Jr., watched by Walter Winchell (played by Jon Andrew Hegge)
Jon Andrew Hegge as Walter Winchell (center) surrounded by reporters (l to r) Laurie Flanigan Hegge, Ron Collier, and Nicholas Freeman
Emily A. Grodzik, Kym Chambers Otto, and Laurie Flanigan Hegge sing a jingle about the Lindbergh Baby diet
Kendall Anne Thompson and Peter Middlecamp as Anne and Charles Lindbergh
James Ramlet as William Randolph Hearst and his reporters (l to r) Gary Briggle, Paul R. Coate, and Ron Collier
Gary Briggle as President Hoover talking to reporters (l to r) Nicholas Freeman, Jon Andrew Hegge, Paul R. Coate, Peter Middlecamp, and Ron Collier
Emily A. Grodzik, Kym Chambers Otto, and Laurie Flanigan Hegge
Ron Collier as William Allen and show girls (l to r) Emily A. Grodzik and Kym Chambers Otto
Peter Middlecamp and Kendall Anne Thompson (center) as Richard and Anna Hauptmann, surrounded by reporters (l to r) Gary Briggle, James Ramlet, Jon Andrew Hegge, Nicholas Freeman, and Ron Collier