The Hero's Journey presented by Live Action Set & The Actors WorkOut and led by Candace Barrett Birk, Raye Birk, Gerald McDermott, and Thomas Prattki
June 24-26
Ivy Arts Building. Studio 206
What is the role of myths in society today? Through the lens of world mythology, participants discover their own mythical hero's journey. Creative exploration in mask, color, movement, sound, and story will provide the base for discovery in this weekend-intensive workshop. Material is applied to both ancient myths, individually and collectively created stories, as well as modern and classical plays.
"The Hero's Journey" is team-taught by four luminaries in their fields. Together, they provide a full theatrical training spectrum. The workshop combines "classical" actor training with "physical" and devised theater based on the teachings of Jaques Lecoq, and with historical and dramaturgical context of "the hero's journey" through the written word. The combination of these styles leads to a greater understanding of how to create a fully embodied physical and emotional character and of his purpose within the story. This workshop puts all the pieces together!
Profile on Raye Birk
* an accomplished actor with extensive experience on stage, TV and film * has worked at regional theatres throughout the country, including nine seasons as a leading actor with The American Conservatory Theatre of San Francisco, under the leadership of Bill Ball * a regular at the Guthrie since returning to the Twin Cities in 2003 * received an MFA from the Department of Theatre, Arts and Dance at the University of Minnesota, which he attended as a McKnight Fellow * former teacher at Southern Methodist University, ACT, the University of Southern California's School of Theatre * spearheaded and leads The Actors WorkOut at the Guthrie * recipient of a Fox Foundation Fellowship, an honorary MFA degree from The American Conservatory Theatre, and several Drama- Logue awards.
Profile on Candace Barrett Birk
* an actress, teacher, director, designer and administrator * teaches acting at the Guthrie Theater and Lead Artist for their Theater and the Healing Arts program * is Director of Mythica, The Center for World Mythology in St. Paul, MN * past member of the acting companies of the Milwaukee Repertory Theatre, the Oregon Shakespeare Festival and The American Conservatory Theatre and has performed locally at Theatre in the Round and The Open Eye Figure Theater * director of award-winning productions for the University of Southern California and The American Conservatory Theatre * former Executive Director of the Children's Museum of Los Angeles * has served on numerous boards and national panels including the National Endowment for the Arts, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and the National Endowment for the Humanities * directed live entertainment for Disneyland * developed design and content for an equine theme park in Dubai * developed the primary concept for a Peace Center in Korea * written K-12 mythology curriculum for the Joseph Campbell Foundation
Profile on Thomas Prattki
* founder, director and one of the lead teachers at the London International School of Performing Arts (LISPA), a centre of theatre research and innovation * His work there leads theatre makers and performers in the discovery of their individual artistic paths; it nurtures and stimulates students' creative potential and appeals to those committed to the creation of their own work. * formerly, a student and, later, the pedagogical director of the Jacques Lecoq International School of Theatre (Ecole Jacques Lecoq) in Paris where he taught for almost a decade * former member of the Swiss-based theatre company, Mummenschanz and performed with them in various venues around the globe for several years * with an interest in a more holistic approach to creative expression, he continued his studies at the Durckheim Centre in Rutte, Germany * a guest teacher, giving lectures, workshops and master classes in over 25 countries * recently collaborated with Simon Murray in writing a new book, "Jacques LeCoq" about the pedagogy of Monsieur LeCoq, and its aim is to promote the creation of the theatre of tomorrow
Profile on Gerald McDermott
* creator of over twenty-five books and films * received the Caldecott Medal and two Caldecott Honor Book awards * his choice of colors, stylized figures and abstract motifs combine ancient imagery with contemporary design and communicates his deep understanding of the transformative power of myth * his work is an evocation of the human quest for unity and completeness * recently named Charter Member of the AOSA National Advocacy Council. In bestowing this honor, AOSA Board Member Jacque Schrader, remarked, "Beyond the obvious appeal to our imaginations, what is it that makes Gerald's stories and illustrations so magnetizing? Is it his sensitive use of language, the simple beauty of the rhythm of his text? Is it the extensive research he does into the symbolism and background of the culture from which the story comes? Is it the emotional reaction we have to each book's carefully chosen palette of colors? Or is it his background as a filmmaker that enables his illustrations to dance across the printed page? It could be any of these things - it is most likely a combination of ALL these things, that makes Gerald's work what it is." * the first Fellow of the Joseph Campbell Foundation * a leader at "A Mythological Toolbox", a workshop at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California
The Actors WorkOut
The Actors Workout is an on-going class offered in association with the Guthrie Theater for professionally oriented actors and theater artists in the Twin Cities.
Register by June 17th with