On Thursday, September 1, Four Humors Theater at Studio B, a brand new performance venue at 711 Hennepin Ave will host an uproarious evening of performance featuring some of the most creative and entertaining artists the Twin Cities has to offer
The Firsty Thursday Show is a monthly cabaret/variety show on the first Thursday of every month curated by Four Humors Theater. Each show features different characters, sketches, and special guests, ensuring a completely unique experience each month. This month's show features a collection of musicians, actors, puppeteers, poets, and craft artisans. Acts in include storytelling by Levi Weinhagen, spoken word by Sam Cook, music by The Brutes, theater by balloon artist Andrea Noel, a preview of Four Humors' upcoming production of The Extraordinary Terms of Ordinary Life, original comedy sketches by Four Humors Theater and a special appearance by Hercules the Southern Dandy Chef. The show also features a wine and beer bar.Now in its 10th month, The Firsty Thursday Show has wowed audiences and performers alike in its vision and high-caliber performance. Firsty Thursday veterans include performance groups Live Action Set, Mixed Precipitation and HUGE Improv; performance artists Andrea Leap, Dario Tangelson, Paige Collette and Andrea Noel; dancers Erin Sheppard and Amelia English; spoken word artists Shane Hawley, Dylan Garity, Michael Lee and Sam Cook; and musical groups Four Pints Shy, The Poor Nobodies, Tree Party and I Like You. Local theater artist and blogger Damon Runnals says, "Major kudos to Four Humors for putting together a really fun evening . . . a great way to spend the first Thursday of every month."Videos