"Cinder Edna" delivers a classic story with a modern twist when it opens April 26 at Stages Theatre Company (STC) located in the Hopkins Center for the Arts. Written by Ellen Jackson, "Cinder Edna" is a clever tale that follows Cinderella and her spunky neighbor Cinder Edna. While they are very different from each other, they both have the same problem: two stepsisters and a stepmother.
"Just like the book, the story is set in an imaginary fairy-tale kingdom with princes and fairy godmothers, but unlike the book which looks a lot like the 1930s, our world on stage looks a lot like the 1950s," describes Director Cassandra Proball. Adapted by Playwright Buffy Sedlachek, "Cinder Edna" offers vibrant dances including "Storybook Stomp" inspired by the rock n' roll era as well as "Do I Have to Wear That" and "Tuna Noodle Casserole."
"This production has a great message for both boys and girls -- it's all about being true to who you are, not what others expect you to be, and finding the fun in every moment," says Proball.
"Cinder Edna" opens April 26 and ends May 25, with a run time of 60 minutes and is suitable for all ages. Tickets can be purchased by visiting www.stagestheatre.org for performance dates and times, or by calling the Box Office at (952) 979-1111, Tuesday through Saturday from noon to 6 p.m. Tickets are $15 for adults, and $12 for children (ages 5 to 17) and seniors (60+).
Stages Theatre Company was founded in 1984 and since then has grown to become one of the largest professional theatres for young audiences in the country. We engage young artists with themes relevant to their lives and involve them in creating magical works featuring young people in meaningful roles. Through theatrical productions, workshops, conservatory classes and other outreach programs, Stages Theatre Company annually serves more than 130,000 young people and their families.