The BNW Student Union has announced "Merry Spider Cafe," a brand new sketch comedy revue written and performed by Ferrari McSpeedy and presented by the BNW Student Union. All performances are at the historical home of the Brave New Workshop, 2605 Hennepin Ave S in Uptown Minneapolis. The show opens Friday, April 11 and runs through Saturday, April 26.
"Merry Spider Cafe" will feature Mike Fotis and Joe Bozic, who are the two members of Ferrari McSpeedy as well as the co-directors of the BNW Student Union. Mike and Joe are alumni of the Brave New Workshop main stage and, performing as Ferrari McSpeedy, are favorites in both the local improv comedy and Fringe Festival communities. Mike and Joe are well-known for a fast-paced and absurdist style of comedy which is famous for balancing being both jarring and hilarious.
Along with "Merry Spider Cafe," audiences will be treated to an additional sketch revue written and performed by students of the BNW Student Union's Sketch Writing program. This revue is part of the BNW Student Union's "Sketch Lab" series which gives aspiring sketch comedians a chance to gain experience in the art of writing and performing sketch comedy. The BNW Student Union is dedicated to growing the sketch comedy scene in Minneapolis by providing a space for students to learn under the direction of established sketch comedians.
Photo by Mike Fotis