The American Association of Community Theatre (AACT) has announced the national theatre festival AACTFest 2017 will be held June 26-July 1, 2017 in Rochester, Minnesota. The festival will feature 12 community theatre productions from across the United States and the U.S. Military Overseas. Winners of state and regional festivals will represent the best community theatre America has to offer.
AACT's theatre festivals are part of a multi-year process that culminates in a national festival, held in odd-numbered years. Community theatres from AACT's 10 regions enter productions for adjudication and advancement from state to regional to the national level. AACTFest is thus a celebration of theatre and a learning experience for those who take part.
The AACTFest 2017 national festival also includes a youth theatre festival, theatre management conference, educational workshops, vendor displays, social events, sightseeing, networking opportunities, and festival awards presentation. The Mayo Civic Center will hold workshops and meetings, and performances will be in the Rochester Civic Theatre, also located in the Civic Center complex.
State festivals have commenced, and the excitement of AACTFest 2017 is building. There will be approximately 40 state festivals with more than 200 theatre productions, followed by nearly 60 theatre companies performing in regional festivals on the way to the national festival.
AACTFest is an exciting process, involving community theatres in every corner of the country. Plan to join this invigorating theatre event. Mark your calendar and make your plans to attend this great celebration of American community theatre! The public is invited to attend the national festivals. Register early for the best rates - registration is open. For more festival information, including hotels and transportation discounts, and to register, visit
AACT helps theatres thrive and provides networking, resources, and support for America's theatres. AACT represents the interests of more than 7,000 theatres across the United States and its territories, as well as theatre companies with the U.S. Armed Services overseas.