Kiss Me, Kate is a delightful musical that cleverly blends backstage drama with a classic Shakespearean comedy. Fred Graham, a narcissistic director and producer, is struggling to mount a new production of "The Taming of the Shrew." The situation becomes hilariously complicated when his leading lady, Lilli Vanessi, his ex-wife, throws her fiery personality into the mix. Their off-stage bickering and undeniable chemistry mirror the onstage battles between Kate and Petruchio, blurring the lines between reality and performance.
This clever play-within-a-play format is complemented by Cole Porter's witty lyrics and a lively score overflowing with sparkling melodies and playful jabs at the world of theater. Catchy tunes like "Another Op'nin', Another Show," "Brush Up Your Shakespeare," and "So in Love" perfectly capture the musical's energy and humor. Kiss Me, Kate is a timeless classic that celebrates the power of theater, the complexities of love, and the undeniable magic of live performance.
'90s Country: Shania, Garth, Reba...
Sunset Playhouse (1/20 - 1/21) | ||
This One's for You: The Songs of Barry Manilow
Sunset Playhouse (3/27 - 3/30) | ||
Always A Bridesmaid
Racine Theatre Guild (3/28 - 4/13) | ||
We've Only Just Begun: Kerry Sings Karen
Sunset Playhouse (6/10 - 6/10) | ||
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
Sunset Playhouse (7/10 - 8/3) | ||
Uihlein Hall at Marcus Center For The Performing Arts (5/27 - 6/1) | ||
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