This “Tale as Old as Time” focuses on the relationship between the Beast, a young prince trapped under a hideous spell, and a beautiful young woman whom he imprisons in his castle. To become a prince again, the Beast must find a way to love and be loved. But time is running out. If lessons are not learned quickly, the Beast and his household will be doomed for all eternity. Based on the Academy Award-winning animated feature, the stage version includes all of the memorable songs written by Alan Menken and the late Howard Ashman, along with new material from Mr. Menken and Tim Rice. The original Broadway production ran for more than thirteen years and was nominated for nine Tony Awards, including Best Musical.
Year | Category | |
1994 | Best Musical |
God of Carnage
Sunset Playhouse (5/1 - 5/4) | ||
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
Sunset Playhouse (7/10 - 8/3) | ||
Over the River and Through the Woods
Racine Theatre Guild (1/10 - 1/26) | ||
The Frog Pal
Sunset Playhouse (4/9 - 4/12) | ||
Tiny Beautiful Things
Sunset Playhouse (1/23 - 1/26) | ||
And in this Corner: Cassius Clay
Racine Theatre Guild (2/21 - 3/2) | ||
Esperanza Rising
Milwaukee Youth Arts Center (5/2 - 5/18) | ||
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