The Waukesha Civic Theatre opens its 57th season (2013-2014) with The Boxcar Children, a touching tale of family togetherness and plucky youthful determination. The rest of the season includes a mix of comedy, drama, music and special events.
The Mainstage Season Ticket Package begins in this month, July 2013, and concludes in June 2014. The package includes:
The Boxcar Children, July 26th to August 11th, 2013Additional offerings include A.C.T. education classes and performances and the Random Acts series. More performances may be added throughout the year. Check the WCT website frequently at for up-to-date performance and event information.
WCT is located in the Margaret Brate Bryant Civic Theatre Building at 264 W. Main Street, Waukesha, WI. Season tickets are on sale now and new ticket packages are available. They are:
Entertaining Eight - Our brand new subscriber package! Eight entertaining Mainstage shows with the same confirmed seats for each show.
Subscriber benefits include no charge for ticket exchanges, subscriber discount prices for any additional tickets for any show, and our second season of the WCT Subscriber Benefits Card, giving our subscribers discounted offers at 14 downtown restaurants, including Mainstream Bar and Grill, Dave's Restaurant, Eric's Porter Haus, Generations 5, J. Lotti's, Key Westconsin, Magellan's, Mia's, Montecito Ristorante, Peoples Park, RiverMill Foods, Rochester Deli, Sprizzo Gallery Caffé, and The Steaming Cup.
All tickets can be ordered by mail at P.O. Box 221, Waukesha, WI 53186, by check or using MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express; online at using MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express; by phone: (262) 547-0708, using MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express; or in person at the WCT Box Office, located at 264 W. Main Street, using check, cash, or MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express. Box Office hours are: Tuesday through Friday, Noon to 5:00 p.m.; and two hours prior to curtain on show weekends. For group orders of 10 or more and season ticket information, contact the WCT Box Office at (262) 547-0708.
Student Rush tickets are available at half price one hour before curtain of any show. WCT also offers a "Pay What You Can" promotion for the last Saturday matinee (2:00 p.m.) performance of a Mainstage series production. Patrons can buy tickets for that show one hour before curtain at whatever price their budget will allow. For more information, visit us at