The story follows Eva Duarte and her meteoric rise from impoverished child to the most powerful woman in Latin America.
Skylight Music Theatre is presenting Evita, running February 3-19, 2023 at Skylight's Cabot Theatre in the Broadway Theatre Center, 158 N. Broadway, in Milwaukee's Historic Third Ward.
Get a first look at photos below!
Evita has won seven Tony Awards and is considered a masterpiece from the team of Tim Rice (lyrics) and Andrew Lloyd Webber (music). The story follows Eva Duarte and her meteoric rise from impoverished child to wife of Argentine president Juan Perón to becoming the most powerful woman in Latin America.
For more information visit: https://www.skylightmusictheatre.org
Photo credit: Mark Frohna
Mariano Logiudice and Guillermina Quiroga
Rána Roman (center) and the cast
The cast
Rána Roman (center) and the cast
Christian Feliciano and (background) Richard Bermudez
Andrew Varela and Rána Roman
Rána Roman and Andrew Varela
Ashley Rodriguez and (background) Richard Bermudez
Andrew Varela and Rána Roman
The cast
Andrew Varela and (background) the cast
Rána Roman
(center, top) Rána Roman and (bottom) the cast
Andrew Varela and Rána Roman
(front) Richard Bermudez and (background) Rána Roman