Based on the beloved Hans Christian Anderson story, kids of all ages will be delighted by THE SNOW QUEEN, a heartwarming tale of friendship, love, and coming of age. Join Gerda as she sets out to save her best friend Kai from the icy hand of the Snow Queen. Along the way, Gerda encounters robbers, witches, royalty and a talking reindeer as her adventures take her closer to saving her friend.Tickets are $10, and can be purchased at You may also reserve your tickets by emailing us with your preferred date of attendance, number of tickets needed, and your name at, and you may purchase them at the door. Parking is available on the left hand side of the theatre between our space and the Baseline Feed Store, on the grass lot behind the theatre, in the municipal lot behind the liquor store across the street (along the brick wall only), or on the residential street beside the theatre. Please do not park in the lot that belongs to the Beer and Wine Store, they will tow your car. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at any time, and we would be happy to help,
Snow Queen - Emily Thomson
Gerda - Claire Zimmeth
Kai/Reindeer - Daniel Drobot
Grandmother - Marian McMechan
Grandfather - Andrew McMechan
Robber Child - Arielle Olkhovsky
Robber Queen/Sparrow 1 - Tim Falk
Goblin/Raven/Sparrow 2 - Tim Beson
Sun/Flower Witch - Jayla Gaskins
Princess/Rose 1 - India Jackson
Prince/Rose 2 - Evan Taylor
Rose 3 - Ayanna Greene
Fourteen Funerals
The Purple Rose Theatre Company (2/6 - 3/9) NEW COMEDY | ||
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
Center Stage Theatre (1/31 - 2/2) | ||
Musical Theatre Senior Showcase
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre (5/4 - 5/4) | ||
Birthday Candles by Noah Haidle
Calvin Theatre Company at Calvin University (1/31 - 2/8) | ||
Meadow Brook Theatre (1/11 - 2/2) | ||
Wharton Center (4/8 - 4/13) | ||
Miller Auditorium (2/24 - 2/24) | ||
Kimberly Akimbo
Fisher Theatre (3/11 - 3/23) | ||
All The Natalie Portmans
Gilmore Theatre Complex - York Theatre (1/31 - 2/16) | ||
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