The Sycamores have been happily living their zany lives in his house by Columbia University in New York for many years. This family (and their friends) are a madcap group of eccentrics, marching to the beat of their own drum, with pride and joy. But when practical young Alice Sycamore becomes engaged to her company's Vice President Tony Kirby, the Sycamore clan must straighten up to meet the new in-laws. Disaster ensues when the Kirbys arrived at the wrong time and, despite the best laid plans, see Alice's family in all of its crazy glory.
A madcap, idealistic comedy that reinforces the idea that you can only live life to the fullest by doing whatever makes you happy.
You Can't Take It With You is directed by Debbie Pletzer. The production team includes Kenyada Davis as Assistant Director with Alexis Bartrum and Kris Wright as Co- Producers.
The cast of You Can't Take It With You includes Nick Szczerba (Martin Vanderhof), Julie Ballantyne Brown (Penelope Sycamore), Rebekah Press (Alice Sycamore), DJ Schneider (Tony Kirby), Kaitlyn Cross (Essie Carmichael), Jacob Burke (Ed Carmichael), Tom Downey (Paul Sycamore), David Wood (Mr. De Pinna), Kristen Campbell (Rheba), Josh Beurer (Donald), Matt Van Houten (Boris Kolenkhov), William McCloskey (Mr. Anthony Kirby, Sr.), Linda Mosley (Mrs. Miriam Kirby), Daniel Bartrum (Wilbur C. Henderson), Patricia LaFramboise (Gay Wellington), Sebastian Adams (The Grand Duchess Olga Katrina), Adam Lynch (The Man), and Conor Nicholl (Mac).
You Can't Take It With You runs for three weekends, September 13-15, 20-22, and 27-29. Friday and Saturday shows at 8:00 p.m. and Sunday Matinees at 2:30 p.m. at the theatre, 21730 Madison in Dearborn.
Tickets are $18 and can be bought at the door, by calling 313-561-TKTS or by going online, to the
Photo Credit: Jennifer Deckert