Thistle Rose Academy of Arts is pleased to present Much Ado About Nothing, one of William Shakespeare's most beloved plays. What is the nature of attraction? Is deception inherently evil? Can love right all wrongs? A study of love in all its moods, this classical adaptation attempts to answer these questions and more. This comedic drama, disguised as a light-hearted romp, tells two tales of deception and trickery. All is set right in the end, though, as love wins the day.
This performance is presented by Thistle Rose Players, a division of the Academy. This diverse company of talented performers is an auditioned cast from the community. All experience levels are welcome to audition.
Thistle Rose Academy of Arts is a mobile theater company, collaborating with local venues for performances. For this engagement, we are excited to be working with First Presbyterian Church of Farmington. This performance will be located in a smaller, custom studio theater. This intimate performance setting will provide for full audience immersion in the sights and sounds of Shakespeare.
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