Amanda Wingfield is a faded, tragic remnant of Southern gentility who lives in poverty in a dingy St. Louis apartment with her son, Tom, and her daughter, Laura. She strives to give meaning and direction to her life and the lives of her children, though her methods are ineffective and irritating. Tom is driven nearly to distraction by his mother's nagging and seeks escape in alcohol and the world of the movies. Laura is crippled and this defect, intensified by her mother's anxiety to see her married, has driven her more and more into herself. The family struggles through a world of illusion in their attempt to find happiness, redemption and, possibly, freedom.
The Glass Menagerie is directed by Paul Bruce. The production team includes Colleen Meade Ripper and Megan Lizbinski as both Assistant Directors and Co- Producers.
The cast of The Glass Menagerie includes Julie Ballantyne Brown as Amanda Wingfield, DJ Schneider as Tom Wingfield, Claire Hayostek as Laura Wingfield and David Culliton as Jim O'Conner
The Glass Menagerie runs for three weekends. March 6-8, 13-15, and 20-22. Friday and Saturday shows 8:00 p.m and Sunday matinees at 2:30 p.m.
Tickets are $18 and can be bought at the door, by calling 313-561-TKTS or by going online, to the
"The Glass Menagerie can encourage us to step out of our own private worlds and reach out to the people who mean the most to us in a meaningful way, and I hope that we can inspire that in our patrons." Claire Hayostek (Laura Wingfield)
Photo Credit: Jennifer Deckert