Ann Arbor is soon to welcome a new addition to the theatre scene. The New Theatre Project is a professional Production Company with the mission to create new plays, restore established plays for a new audience, explore newer and largely undiscovered texts and present plays that created new theatrical revolutions. TNTP is committed to ensemble work that uses non-traditional, non-hierarchical ways of organization to produce theatre.
TNTP will be something of a vagabond, producing site-specific theatre pieces wherever the play may take them.The inaugural performance will be The Spring Awakening Project inspired by the 1891 play by Frank Wedekind in a collaborative adaptation by Jason Sebacher. Using a lengthyrehearsal process the cast has created pieces inspired by Wedekind's timely themes within their own lives. The piece will integrate the original text with their words, stories and talents. The Spring Awakening Project will have two pay-what-you-can preview performances on Friday, June 18 and Saturday, June 19 at 2 PM and open at the Second Stage Theatre at the Performance Network on Sunday, June 20 at 8 PM and play on Monday, June 21, Tuesday, June 22, and Wednesday, June 23 at 8 PM. Tickets are $15, $10 for students and industry.Photo Credit: Amanda Lyn Jungquist