The Matrix Theatre Company's School of Theatre presents The Story of Frog Belly Rat Bone, a story by Timothy Basil Ering which follows the adventures of a little boy who takes a journey for a very special treasure which ends with new friends and a colorful, joyous world. The show runs from Friday, May 31 through Sunday, June 2. All Friday and Saturday performances are at 7 pm, and Sundayperformances are at 3 pm. Adult tickets are priced at $8. Students, seniors, and children are $5. All performances are at Matrix Theatre, 2730 Bagley in the heart of Detroit's Mexicantown. Visit to register online, or call 313 967 0599. Call 313 967 0999 for further information.
Frog Belly Rat Bone is a delightful fantasy about a very special boy who lived in a dull, gray endless place called Cementland. After much searching among piles of greasy toaster ovens and wet, smelly socks, he spies a box filled with specs and a wrinkled note that says. "Put these wondrous riches in the earth and enjoy." Horrified to learn that thieves are after his treasure, the boy scrounges the junkyard and creates a creature to stand guard - a scarecrow-like gardener with crooked bony arms, a giant belly, a jaunty crown, and preternatural wisdom: Frog Belly Rat Bone, king and protector of the specks. The story is full of surprises and an ending with a beautiful message on world beautification.
The Matrix Theatre Company's School of Theatre, challenges and encourages students to become creators of their own work by writing and performing original works. They believe that everyone has a story to tell and that the best way to learn is by doing. Therefore, the School of Theatre at Matrix has its own season where students perform shows they have, in most cases, authored themselves.
Celebrating 22 years as a non-profit community-based theatre, Matrix Theatre Company is located in southwest Detroit. By using the transformative power of theatre to change lives, build community and foster social justice, Matrix creates everything from scratch, from puppets of all sizes to more than 130 original plays. It provides creative opportunities for children, youth, adults and elders, especially those in isolated or challenged communities, to become creators, producers, and audiences of original and heritage theatre. For further information or to follow Matrix on Facebook, Twitter and Blogger, go to
Matrix's Inclusive Theatre Initiative (ITI) strives to offer the transformative power of theatre to all. It aims to build a community for those with and without disabilities. It is a model of relating to people, rooted in the essential dignity and value of each person, offering ways to build deeper connections between people, places, and institutions.