Little Door Theatre announces their first ever full length theatre for young audiences show, The Snow Queen. Based on the beloved Hans Christian Anderson story, kids of all ages will be delighted by THE SNOW QUEEN, a heartwarming tale of friendship, love, and coming of age. Join Gerda as she sets out to save her best friend Kai from the icy hand of the Snow Queen. Along the way, Gerda encounters robbers, witches, royalty and a talking reindeer as her adventures take her closer to saving her friend.
The cast includes many talented metro-Detroit based actors, including Emily Thomson (Snow Queen), Claire Zimmeth (Gerda), Daniel Drobot (Kai/Reindeer), Andrew McMechan (Grandfather), Marian McMechan (Grandmother), Tim Falk (Robber Queen/Sparrow 1), Tim Beson (Goblin/Raven/Sparrow 2), Arielle Olkhovsky (Robber Child), Jayla Gaskins (Sun/Flower Witch), India Jackson (Princess/Rose 1), Evan Taylor (Prince/Rose 2), and Ayanna Green (Rose 3), and is directed by Shannon Hurst.
The Snow Queen will be playing at Little Door Theatre February 22-24, and March 1-3. Friday performances are at 7 pm and Saturday/Sunday performances are at 2 pm. Tickets are $10, and can be purchased at the included link. You may also reserve your tickets by emailing us with your preferred date of attendance, number of tickets needed, and your name at, and you may purchase them at the door.